Woman with itchy ear putting a finger into her ear at office isolated white background

Have you ever experienced an itch that you just couldn’t reach?

Alright, there are two ways to think about it: First, you think about something you always wanted to do in life but so far you haven’t got around to (skydiving, for instance). Or, if you’re a little less of a romantic, you think about that spot on your back that you just can’t quite reach.

That’s really annoying! Desperately trying to scratch that itchy spot on your back. It’s the reason why back-scratchers exist.

Regrettably, when you have an itchy ear, there isn’t any device to get at it. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t reach up inside your ear canal where that itch is coming from. It’s worse than that spot on your back, and it isn’t surprising that itchy ears are probably driving you crazy.

Itchy ears can impact your daily life

At first glance, it sounds like a minor thing. Itchy ears? It could be much worse, right? At least you aren’t in horrible pain.

Here’s something to think about: Your ear is itchy, and you can’t do anything about it. No big deal, if it only happens once in a while. But if your ears are itchy constantly? You may find yourself, and your quality of life, significantly impacted.

Maybe you stay home and quit socializing with friends. Or perhaps you try to overpower the sensation by listening to excessively loud music.

It’s not fun at all. But there are strategies and treatments. Discovering the best way to address itchy ears means knowing what causes them to begin with.

So what are some of the causes of itchy ears?

So why are your ears itchy? And what can you do about it? The treatment for itching ears is going to differ depending on the underlying cause. As with most other medical conditions, there are several possible underlying conditions that could be affecting your ears. Here are a few of the most prevalent:

  • Ear infections: Yes, the plain old ear infection may be the reason for your distress. Ear infections can occur at any age but happen more frequently when you’re younger. And when they do, fluid can build up in your ears. Along with fluid buildup, swelling of the tissue can take place. Together, this can result in trapped fluid, irritated tissue, and really itchy ears. The solution is to talk to your doctor and address the root infection. Once that’s cleared up, the itching in your ears should go away.
  • Allergies: Allergies can frequently cause itching. In some cases, an over-the-counter allergy medicine, like an antihistamine, can alleviate itching caused by allergies. It’s frequently challenging to figure out precisely what you’re having an allergic reaction to. But a large number of allergens, including pollen, can cause your ears to itch. Itchy ears could easily come from your spring hay fever. If the itching continues, you should talk to an allergist about finding a solution (and relief).
  • Skin disorders: Some skin disorders can, at times, cause itching that is hard to get at. You can even find yourself with a condition called ear dandruff. Your doctor will be able to help you understand what your options are. putting moisturizer in your ear isn’t a feasible or safe solution, after all. Again, your doctor will be the best one to help you manage skin conditions that trigger itchy ears!
  • Improper hearing aid fitting: Your hearing aids should fit in your ears snugly. That’s how you get the best sound and the most effective results. But this snug fit can turn into irritation and itchiness when your hearing aids don’t fit correctly. This, in turn, can cause you to stop using your hearing aids as frequently, and that can be bad for your hearing. The answer is to come in and see us for a proper fitting. We may even be able to mold your hearing aid so it better fits your ear.
  • You have an earwax blockage: If your ears are producing a substantial amount of wax, that’s not abnormal. You might be surprised to find out that wax is actually cleaning your ears. But this blockage can develop for a number of reasons. One thing you should quit doing immediately is using cotton swabs to “clean” your ears. We can, in any case, help you clear up any earwax difficulties. So you will get some relief by scheduling an appointment with us.

Finding treatment for your itchy ears, and relief

Pretty much every activity becomes less fun with itchy ears. Your life can actually be changed by finding relief with the proper treatment. If you attempt to just wait it out, you will likely prolong your suffering because it isn’t likely that the itching will clear itself up.

Stop focusing on your itchy ears and go back to enjoying your life. Give us a call for a consultation.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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