Woman getting a hearing test to protect her hearing health.

Our lives are busy and chaotic – from our jobs to cooking food to social events. It most likely seems like there’s not enough time to have your hearing evaluated. And maybe you don’t even notice any hearing loss – so you think a hearing test can wait.

Here’s why you shouldn’t put it off:

1. Further Hearing Loss Can be Prevented

Because hearing loss typically progresses gradually, many people don’t grasp how bad it has become. Over time, they start compensating and making lifestyle changes without realizing it. And because they don’t realize they have hearing loss, they keep engaging in activities that worsen their hearing loss.

But knowing is half the battle.

It can be an eye-opener to get your hearing examined. There isn’t any way to reverse any hearing loss you might have already suffered, but you can slow its advancement.

It will be helpful to know how to keep your moderate hearing loss from getting worse.

Exercising, lowering your blood pressure, and dealing with chronic diseases more effectively can slow hearing loss progression.

Your ears will be protected from further damage by using ear protection when subjected to loud sounds and reducing your exposure.

2. You Don’t Even Know How Much You’re Missing

If you are experiencing moderate hearing loss, you might have slowly forgotten how much you enjoy listening to music. Not needing to ask friends and family to repeat themselves when they speak to you is something you may not even remember.

You might find yourself getting further away from doing your favorite activities and spending time with friends.

You can find out just how much hearing loss you have by getting a hearing assessment. In the majority of situations, we can help you hear better.

3. You Might Make Your Current Hearing Aid Experience Better

Perhaps you already use hearing aids but you really don’t like to wear them. You might not feel like it improves your listening experience. Visiting a hearing specialist and having your hearing re-tested will guarantee you have the hearing aids that work best for you and that they’re adjusted for your personal listening needs.

4. You Could be at Risk Already

And debilitating hearing loss is experienced by 8.5% of adults 55 to64. Hearing loss is typically due to environmental factors. It isn’t simply something that develops when you get older. Most of it is caused by exposure to loud sound.

If you are involved in the following activities, you’re at an increased risk:

  • Shoot firearms
  • Attend concerts, plays, or movies
  • Work at a noisy job
  • Ride loud vehicles like a snowmobile, ATV, or motorcycle
  • Use a motorized lawnmower
  • Listen to loud music or wear earbuds

Every one of these daily activities can cause hearing loss. You need to go have your hearing checked by a hearing professional as soon as you can if you detect a decline in your ability to hear regardless of what your age is.

5. Your General Health Will Improve

Individuals with untreated hearing loss have a significantly higher chance of:

  • Anxiety
  • Longer treatments in hospitals and rehab
  • Depression
  • Slow healing or repeated hospital admissions
  • Dementia/Alzheimer’s
  • Social isolation (preferring to be alone)
  • Missing or skipping doctor appointments
  • Falls that result in injuries

Having your hearing tested is about more than only your hearing.

6. Strained Relationships Can be Repaired

Neglected hearing loss can test the patience of your family members and friends. Misunderstandings are more common. Individuals will become aggravated with the situation, including you. Regret and resentment can be the outcome. Rather than constantly having to repeat themselves, family and friends might start to exclude you from get-togethers.

But misunderstandings and stressed relationships can be prevented by getting a hearing exam and that’s the good news.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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