She’s Not Faking It: 4 Signs a Loved One Needs a Hearing Aid

Hearing Rehabilitation Center • Jun 02, 2023

It’s a common first reaction – denial. Of course, my loved one’s hearing loss isn’t as advanced as it seems. She’s not old enough for a hearing aid.

It’s possible, the two of you have started to joke around with each other about it. She is always requesting that you repeat what you said. You joke about it as if it’s simply a game. But it’s beginning to become less and less funny. You wonder if she’s just ignoring you or if she might actually be having some genuine hearing trouble.

You want your loved one to have a balanced, active, and happy life for years to come so it’s likely time to be encouraging and help them find the correct help.

Here are 4 prevalent signals that somebody you know needs a hearing aid.

1. She seems fatigued, especially in public

Perhaps you think that it just ordinarily happens when you get older. Your loved one just doesn’t have as much energy as they once did. You try to relate when she says that won’t be going out tonight.

Then she begins skipping meetings with a hobby group, organization, or club that she’s always enjoyed, even when they get together virtually, and you start to realize something could be wrong. Loud noise seems to deplete your loved one’s energy. If there is lots of background noise, or if more than one conversation is taking place at the same time, this is particularly true.

Individuals who are straining to hear put excess energy toward understanding people around them. As a result, energy is taken from other important brain functions like physical mobility, memory, and talking.

Utilizing this extra brainpower doesn’t strengthen the brain; it just tires it out. In social situations, fatigue will often seem to shut your loved one down.

Don’t assume you know what she’s dealing with. It may be a mix of things. But ask questions. Get to the base cause and recommend that she get a hearing test.

2. She always turns the TV up really loud

This is often one of the first signs that you might notice in another person. They can’t seem to watch TV or play music at a normal volume.

Your living room sounds like a cinema. You feel like you should have some popcorn, but it’s just your loved one blowing your ears out with the TV. Your neighbors can even hear it.

When you say that the TV is too loud, she might laugh and turn it down. But actually, she turned closed captions on.

Perhaps she’s ashamed about it. It’s likely time for you to recommend a hearing test if this is a regular thing.

3. She frequently needs people to repeat themselves

It may not be a problem if you are in a really loud setting or she’s really zoned in on something. But you should be mindful if this is happening frequently.

Similarly, take notice if she seems to have a lot of trouble hearing when she’s on the phone.

Is she complaining about people muttering or low-talking constantly? Is she requesting that people repeat themselves? It’s time for a compassionate talk about the advantages of hearing aids.

4. Your relationship is feeling strained

Couples argue twice as much when one of them is dealing with hearing loss, according to research. These arguments may center around TV volume, misconceptions, or what one says the other person may or may not have said.

When someone can’t hear, there will be a lot more tension in a household. Their hearing loss is frustrating. Others get upset when they won’t get help. This leads to lots of hurt feelings and decisions to spend more time apart or alone.

Many couples don’t realize that hearing loss is the cause, and this can damage their relationship irreparably. It’s important to get the proper help because even moderate hearing loss can strain relationships.

Simply getting a hearing test can give you a completely new perspective on your relationship, whether you’re dealing with a spouse, sister, or dear friend. Speak with your loved one about getting a hearing test.

Individuals who recognize they need hearing aids and use them say they’d never go back. Typically, they wish they would have done it sooner. Their general quality of life will be significantly improved.

It isn’t an easy conversation to have. But when your loved one finally finds the help they need it will all have been worth it.

Call us today and let us help you with some ideas about how to address your loved one’s hearing loss!

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